7. If we have a business are we rich for life?
Rev Maratja Dhamarrandji and Richard Trudgen
This podcasts talks about the cost involved in running a business and dispels that myth held by many Yolngu that people who have a business are automatically rich. It explains the international trade between Yolngu and Macassans that existed for 200 years before European arrival and was stopped by South Australian government. It explains Yolngu were farmers, business people and international traders who owned estates, not hunter-gatherers as Europeans often think. It looks at how this mistaken belief, which is still held today, still impacts on Yolngu people.


There are 5 Stories in this podcast see below time stamps.

  • Ive got a Business Family Now my family thinks I am rich – 00:00
  • Understanding business from the traditional trade – 9:33
  • Macassans trade stopped and destroyed our understanding of business – 20:11
  • Yolngu international trade producing natural peals 400 years – 31:38
  • Growing natural peals – 44:11