44. Understanding electricity and saving Money (Eaturitj #5)

Podcast 5 of 7. Richard Trudgen and Nikunu Yunupingu start the discussion on the difference between a hot water Solar System and solar panels.

They look at hot water solar systems and talk about how to save power and money by turning off the booster switch. Nikunu points out many Yolngu don’t really understand about the power they use or the cost of running freezers, appliances etc.This includes knowing that their standard hot water system uses electricity and costs them money. Many think that when they buy a power card, it’s just for electricity for lights only. Richard and Nikunu then discuss tips on saving power and money.

(Also at the end of the podcast Nikunu gives Richard a little language lesson to correct his pronunciation of electricity in Yolngu Matha. This has been left in just to show Yolngu that it’s good for  Balanda to be learning language all the time, just like they’re struggling with the English language.)


There are 3 Stories in this podcast see below time stamps.

  • The difference between hot water Solar System and solar panels – 00:00
  • Saving power by switching off booster switch – 9:51
  • Tips on saving Power and Money – 20:50
  • Tips on saving Power and Money 31:15